Allianz Travel
There is much to say about Allianz Travel and one of the is it not a good insurance for elder or disabled people.
You can find there policy here in Norwegian as they did not publish it in english on Norwegian airline page as we could find.
But for now as we working on this site we want to point our page 13 to 14 if you download the pdf but here is what is say in English and look at nr 4-5-6-7. (Here is the Policy pdf)
The following items are not covered:
1. 2. 3. Animals, including animal remains
Cars, motorcycles, engines, aircraft, personal watercraft and other vehicles and related accessories and equipment,
Bicycles, skis and snowboards (except when checked in with a tour operator),
4. Hearing aids, prescription glasses and contact lenses,
5. Artificial teeth, dentures and orthopaedic devices,
6. Wheelchairs and other mobility equipment,
7. Consumer goods, medicines, medical equipment/supplies and perishable goods,
8. Tickets, passports, deeds, drawings, stamps and other documents,
9. Money, currency, credit cards, notes or certificates of indebtedness, negotiable instruments, travellers cheques,
securities, bullion (gold bars, precious metal coins and similar items) valuables and keys,
10. Rugs and carpets,
11. Antiques and works of art,
12. Fragile or fragile items,
13. Firearms and other weapons, including ammunition,
14. Intellectual property, including software and electronic data,
15. Business or trade property,
16. Property that you do not own,
17. Valuables stolen from a car, locked or unlocked,
18. Baggage while it is:
a. Shipped, unless with your travel company,
b. In a trailer, or
c. Unattended in a locked motor vehicle, or
d. Unguarded in a locked motor vehicle, unless the baggage cannot be seen
19. Baggage that is misplaced, forgotten or lost while in your possession.